Reversing the Effects of Climate Change Through Managed Grazing

Climate change is a serious issue that must be addressed. Various industries are now looking for ways to reverse the disastrous consequences of this phenomenon., which include more droughts and intense heat waves, altered rainfall patterns, and rising sea levels.

In the farming sector, experts have discovered managed grazing as a potential solution against barren patches of land.

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Overgrazing has been a problem in the past. Unmanaged pastures contributed to desertification in many parts of the world. Biologist Allan Savory suggested that a viable way to stop overgrazing is through holistic management of livestock. Contrary to common belief, large herds should graze barren grasslands. This will give the land a protective layer that binds the carbon in the ground while allowing it to return to its healthy state.

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Aside from preserving the land, grass-eating animals will also become healthier. Managed grazing can help in returning the earth to the normal levels of greenhouse gas emissions. If farms adapt to a managed grazing system, they will contribute to keeping future generations safe from the adverse effects of environmental damage.

Geoffrey Morell values naturally grown livestock. Livestock grow up healthier when raised the natural way, making them a better source of nutrients for the community. People can purchase his organic meat and dairy products in his farm, P.A. Bowen Farmstead, and other select farmer’s markets. Visit this website for more information.

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